Service Details
Details of the Services offered by 4 Elements Wellness Centre
Manual Therapy
Osteopathy is, according to the World Health Organization, relies on manual contact with techniques for assessment and treatment. It respects the relationship of body, mind, and spirit in health and disease; it lays emphasis on the structural and functional integrity of the body and the body’s intrinsic tendency for self-healing.
Manual Osteopathy Practitioners (DOMP) or Manual Therapists use a wide variety of therapeutic manual techniques to improve physiological function and/or support homeostasis that has been altered by somatic (body framework) dysfunction, i.e. impaired or altered function of related components of the somatic system; skeletal, arthrodial and myofascial structures; and related vascular, lymphatic, and neural elements. They use their understanding of the relationship between structure and function to optimize the body’s self-regulating, self-healing capabilities.
This holistic approach to client care and healing is based on the concept that a human being is a dynamic functional unit, in which all parts are interrelated and which possesses its own self-regulatory and self-healing mechanisms. One essential component of osteopathic health care is osteopathic manual therapy, typically called osteopathic manual techniques (OMT), which refers to an array of tissue mobilization techniques that may be combined with other treatments or advice, for example on diet, physical activity, and posture, or counseling.
This field is one of the fastest-growing health fields in Australia and the world alike. The number of people choosing to visit a manual osteopathy Practitioner for treatment has increased by 270% since 2012.
Manual Osteopathy/ Manual Therapists or Practitioners in Canada and the US do not offer a medical diagnosis, that is the domain of a medical doctor and are not registered with the College and Physicians and Surgeons in Canada; however, are an integral part of complementary health care, both in rural and metropolitan areas.
Reflexology therapies are natural therapeutic methods derived from this study based on the principle that there are reflexes in the body that map neurologically to other parts, glands, and organs of the body. Through the application of pressure on these reflexes, reflexology therapy can:
- relieve tension;
- improve circulation and;
- support the body’s efforts to function optimally.
The most common applications of reflexology map the whole body to reflexes found in specific areas, like the feet, hands or ears.
Pre/Postnatal Massage
Massage is known to have many benefits for everyone, but there are some benefits for expectant mothers that are not so well known. These benefits are truly amazing!
Massage performed during pregnancy can help relieve muscle tightness, decrease anxiety and depression, and also help with joint pain. According to the American Pregnancy Association, massage can also improve labour outcomes and newborn health if massage is incorporated into regular prenatal care. Relaxation and stress are significantly reduced due to massage, and this is a huge reason for the improved well-being of both mother and baby. Plus, harmful hormones are reduced, and beneficial hormones are increased! This happens all naturally in your body, thanks to massage!
Here are some other benefits of prenatal massage:
- Reduced back and hip pain
- Reduced joint pain
- Improved circulation
- Reduced swelling
- Reduced muscle tension and headaches
- Reduced stress and anxiety
- Better sleep
So what about after the baby comes? Should you just stop getting your massages? Absolutely not! You still deserve to feel amazing! In fact, you now deserve it more than ever! And, there are benefits for you as well!
Massage is going to help in regulating your postpartum hormones and help you heal faster. This is important for you and for your baby so that you can both be at your best! Hormone regulation is also important to continue the stimulation of breast milk. Your hormones are at their highest at birth, but then drop off sharply after. This is why so many mothers become depressed or have trouble breastfeeding.
You are going to be spending a lot of time tending to a new baby. You may not realize that you are holding your head differently while breastfeeding, or standing with a bit of a slouch, but all of the sudden your neck will be tight, or your low back will hurt. Plan ahead and massage will be able to help relieve the soreness from those tense and tight muscles. Not to mention, your body is still healing, and massage is a great way to facilitate that!
Here are some other benefits of postnatal massage:
- Heal faster
- Help regulate hormones
- Improved circulation
- Stimulate breast milk hormones
- Reduced muscle tension and headaches
- Reduced stress and anxiety
- Better sleep
Ashiatsu Massage
Ashiatsu is a massage technique that involves the application of the practitioner’s feet, rather than the hands or arms, to a patient’s body. In Japanese, ashi means foot, and atsu means pressure; so it literally translates to foot pressure.
During an Ashiatsu massage, therapists use their bare feet to deliver deep compression, long gliding strokes, and/or assisted stretching. Reading that, you might feel apprehensive about receiving an Ashiatsu treatment
Lymphatic Drainage Massage
What is Lymphatic Drainage Massage?
Your lymphatic system helps eliminate your body’s waste. A healthy, active lymphatic system uses the natural movements of smooth muscle tissue to do this.
However, surgery, medical conditions, or other damage can cause fluids to build up in your lymph system and your lymph nodes, a condition known as lymphedema.
If you’ve ever had a surgery on or involving your lymph nodes, your doctor may have suggested lymphatic drainage massage performed by a certified massage or physical therapist. However,
Lymphatic massage is not recommended for people with the following conditions:
- Congestive heart failure
- History of blood clots or stroke
- Current infection
- Liver problems
- Kidney problems
- Lymphedema
Procedures that affect or remove your lymph nodes can cause lymphedema as a side effect.
Lymphedema will only occur in the area near a surgical site.
For example, if you have lymph nodes removed as a part of cancer surgery to your left breast, only your left arm, not your right, might be affected with lymphedema.
Lymphedema can also occur as a result of an injury or medical conditions such as congestive heart failure (CHF) or blood clots in the body